[wallet etnk1U (out of sync)]: seed Wallet password: **************
PLEASE NOTE: the following 25 words can be used to recover access to your wallet. Please write them down and store them somewhere safe and secure. Please do not store them in your email or on file storage services outside of your immediate control.
[wallet etnkKX (out of sync)]: help Commands: address Show current wallet public address address_book address_book [(add (<address> [pid <long or short payment id>])|<integrated address> [<description possibly with whitespaces>])|(delete <index>)] - Print all entries in the address book, optionally adding/deleting an entry to/from it balance Show current wallet balance bc_height Show blockchain height check_tx_key Check amount going to <address> in <txid> check_tx_proof Check tx proof for payment going to <address> in <txid> donate donate [<ring_size>] <amount> [payment_id] - Donate <amount> to the development team (donate.getmonero.org) export_key_images Export a signed set of key images export_outputs Export a set of outputs owned by this wallet fee Print information about fee and current transaction backlog get_tx_key Get transaction key (r) for a given <txid> get_tx_note Get a string note for a txid get_tx_proof Generate a signature to prove payment to <address> in <txid> using the transaction secret key (r) without revealing it help Show this help import_key_images Import signed key images list and verify their spent status import_outputs Import set of outputs owned by this wallet incoming_transfers incoming_transfers [available|unavailable] - Show incoming transfers, all or filtered by availability integrated_address integrated_address [PID] - Encode a payment ID into an integrated address for the current wallet public address (no argument uses a random payment ID), or decode an integrated address to standard address and payment ID locked_transfer locked_transfer [<ring_size>] <addr> <amount> <lockblocks>(Number of blocks to lock the transaction for, max 1000000) [<payment_id>] password Change wallet password payment_id Generate a new random full size payment id - these will be unencrypted on the blockchain, see integrated_address for encrypted short payment ids payments payments <PID_1> [<PID_2> ... <PID_N>] - Show payments for given payment ID[s] refresh Synchronize transactions and balance rescan_bc Rescan blockchain from scratch rescan_spent Rescan blockchain for spent outputs save Save wallet data save_bc Save current blockchain data save_watch_only Save a watch-only keys file seed Display Electrum-style mnemonic seed set Available options: seed language - set wallet seed language; always-confirm-transfers <1|0> - whether to confirm unsplit txes; print-ring-members <1|0> - whether to print detailed information about ring members during confirmation; store-tx-info <1|0> - whether to store outgoing tx info (destination address, payment ID, tx secret key) for future reference; default-ring-size <n> - set default ring size (default is 5); auto-refresh <1|0> - whether to automatically sync new blocks from the daemon; refresh-type <full|optimize-coinbase|no-coinbase|default> - set wallet refresh behaviour; priority [0|1|2|3|4] - default/unimportant/normal/elevated/priority fee; confirm-missing-payment-id <1|0>; ask-password <1|0>; unit <electroneum|ecent> - set default monero (sub-)unit; min-outputs-count [n] - try to keep at least that many outputs of value at least min-outputs-value; min-outputs-value [n] - try to keep at least min-outputs-count outputs of at least that value; merge-destinations <1|0> - whether to merge multiple payments to the same destination address; confirm-backlog <1|0> - whether to warn if there is transaction backlog set_log set_log <level>|<categories> - Change current log detail (level must be <0-4>) set_tx_note Set an arbitrary string note for a txid show_transfer Show information about a transfer to/from this address show_transfers show_transfers [in|out|pending|failed|pool] [<min_height> [<max_height>]] - Show incoming/outgoing transfers within an optional height range sign Sign the contents of a file sign_transfer Sign a transaction from a file spendkey Display private spend key start_mining start_mining [<number_of_threads>] - Start mining in daemon status Show wallet status information stop_mining Stop mining in daemon submit_transfer Submit a signed transaction from a file sweep_all sweep_all [ring_size] address [payment_id] - Send all unlocked balance to an address sweep_below sweep_below <amount_threshold> [ring_size] address [payment_id] - Send all unlocked outputs below the threshold to an address sweep_unmixable Send all unmixable outputs to yourself with ring_size 1 transfer transfer [<priority>] [<ring_size>] <address> <amount> [<payment_id>] - Transfer <amount> to <address>. <priority> is the priority of the transaction. The higher the priority, the higher the fee of the transaction. Valid values in priority order (from lowest to highest) are: unimportant, normal, elevated, priority. If omitted, the default value (see the command "set priority") is used. <ring_size> is the number of inputs to include for untraceability. Multiple payments can be made at once by adding <address_2> <amount_2> etcetera (before the payment ID, if it's included) transfer_original Same as transfer, but using an older transaction building algorithm unspent_outputs unspent_outputs [<min_amount> <max_amount>] - Show unspent outputs within an optional amount range verify Verify a signature on the contents of a file viewkey Display private view key
Enter new wallet password: ************ Confirm Password: ************ Generated new wallet: etnk1UfXSXj9uGadvvE3AZhCZVj3peVqpjnenhmYYYD2cafTrQX3oyZQxLEmNz3eLahqxfGfYzCywEv4K2mC9uwq2w1qEjs2kY View key: 2fda80d79c3a9cd2bde21a597c0b3de8db6c3671dea09cccae668a6355e4620c ********************************************************************** Your wallet has been generated! To start synchronizing with the daemon, use "refresh" command. Use "help" command to see the list of available commands. Always use "exit" command when closing electroneum-wallet-cli to save your current session's state. Otherwise, you might need to synchronize your wallet again (your wallet keys are NOT at risk in any case).
PLEASE NOTE: the following 25 words can be used to recover access to your wallet. Please write them down and store them somewhere safe and secure. Please do not store them in your email or on file storage services outside of your immediate control.
Restore from specific blockchain height (optional, default 0), or alternatively from specific date (YYYY-MM-DD): 0 Starting refresh... Height 771 / 34449